
It has been a long time since my previous post. One of the reasons for my lack of posting was something that never happened to me before: I was hospitalized.

On Monday, January 22, I began to feel ill. Around 10.00 (am) I started to develop high fever with temperatures on the ~40 C (105 F) range, and I felt extremely tired. Several visits to physicians established a strong suspicion of dengue fever.

The fever wouldn’t go away on the next days. Things got to a head on Friday. I was becoming too dehydrated for my own good, so my physician ordered my hospitalization. On the hospital, I got 5000 ml of mixed dextrose/physiological solutions over 24 hours via an IV catheter. There is just one word to describe it: atrocious.

On Saturday I felt much better, so the physician released me under strict orders: rest and extensive hydration. Meanwhile, IgM tests confirmed the suspicions of dengue fever.

I never was hospitalized in my life before. It was a difficult time, but the help and the provision of the Lord were there. Thankfully, I was able to cover my hospital costs, and I feel much better now.

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