Making this blog bilingual…?

As you might know, I’m a native Spanish speaker, and this is an English-language blog. It has served me well for over 15 years and counting, and still does.

However, most of my writing have been done lately in Spanish. Not because of anything special; they were just extended status updates in Facebook. But somehow they got widespread recognition. These are posts pertaining to some pressing situation of the Paraguayan or Latin American context at some particular moment, so writing or translating them into English wouldn’t make any sense.

Some people suggested that I should open a Spanish-language blog. I could keep using Facebook but I don’t like the platform to begin with, and furthermore it has serious limitations for serious blogging. Well, I already have my static personal site in Spanish and this English-language blog, so what should I do? Just setting up another blog would be a maintenance burden; enough with what I already have. The obvious solution would be to make this blog bilingual; that is, adding Spanish-language content. I could do that, but how?

That is, how can I make this blog bilingual without causing significant disruption? An obvious solution could be adding a multilingual plugin to my WordPress setup; and I’m now hesitating between Polylang and Language Switcher, but I’m not sure. In fact I’m not sure of how could I proceed with implementing this change. Any ideas or suggestions? That would be welcome.


  1. Bro., there are so many plugins for browsers to handle this, it’s better for you to recommend some of them rather than risk the hassles of a plugin to your blog. I for one would be hardly offended at running into Spanish on your blog, and could get it translated on my end without giving it much thought.

  2. Thanks brother and namesake!
    I appreciate your willingness to face my Spanish writing and I don’t have any doubts about your good nature. But I am afraid that some English speakers might be put off; and, especially, many Spanish speakers could be put off or intimidated due to the massive English content. They are the ones who concern me the most.

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