Recollections on the Colloquium on Predestination

The Colloquium on Predestination held last Friday at the Presbyterian seminary went through very well. The speakers were two recent Seminary graduates, Mr. Maciel Palacios and Mr. William Busto, and yours truly.

First, Maciel spoke on Romans 9-11 and why it was appropriate to apply that part of the Epistle to soteriology.

Maciel speaking on Romans 9-11

Then it was the turn of William, who spoke on the history of the doctrine, starting from Justin Martyr and with the expected comments on Augustine, Aquinas and Calvin.

William speaking on the history of the doctrine

Finally, the turn came for myself to speak on the analysis of the dogma itself. It went very well; while I consulted with many sources (Horton, Bavinck, Letham, among them), nothing came close to Berkhof for clarity of exposition and sheer didactic power. While both Maciel and William chose to speak from the pulpit, the stage was prepared as a colloquium and thus I chose to speak from my seat, as expected for such an event.

Speaking from my seat

The colloquium was well attended and was followed with interest by both students and the general public. Some asked questions, all of them very interesting.

Among those in attendance were Seminary students and faculty, professors from other seminaries, and the general public.

Finally, some more pics of my participation.

(All pictures courtesy of Henry Díaz. Thanks to him for his kind permission to use them).

I’m told there are both audio and video recordings of the event. I will try to get these recordings and share them with you.

All in all, it was a blessed evening. Soli Deo Gloria!

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