Guest: Blogging and Journalistic Transparency

Serious bloggers don’t take themselves too seriously. If they did, there’s too a good a chance no one else would.

A very human necessity in publication is humility, purely on the grounds that such is what adds to our credibility. Only the most monumental talent can afford hubris, and that with great risk. As Christians, all the more so do we recommend that virtue. To know your place in the Kingdom is to rejoice merely at citizenship, but to otherwise deflect attention from self and point to the King. His glory is our primary welfare. We regard our talents as His love gifts, however weak or powerful they may be.

As Christian bloggers, we do well to heed sane voices. I regard David Berlind of CNet as such, most of the time. His commentary on credibility in journalism and in blogging does a fine job of showing the common ground for both forms of reporting.

The issue at heart is transparency. Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart” — which I take to include the concept of transparent motives. The finest, most godly agenda in the world loses power for being partially concealed. That is not God’s way. True, Jesus clothed many of His teachings in parables, but that obscured the message only for the spiritually obtuse. His promise was the Holy Spirit would eventually make all things clear; just remember the story. Yet the Master also taught at times in plain language. When accused of being a secretive subversive, the accusation failed on His reminder that He taught openly in the streets.

Most of us are aware, I hope, that we owe the major media a great deal of skepticism. Anytime our doings involve a profit motive, that tends to taint all other motives that might be present. On the other hand, lacking any accountability is equally dangerous. Our independence as bloggers insulates us from the more obvious accountability to others. Our only restraint is self-restraint. I suppose I could mention that the bloggers’ currency is fame, and note further the fickleness of readers. For Christians, we rightly assume that’s a minor issue. Again: humility is required. We are otherwise spoiled brats disgorging a mere diary. There’s a place for that in therapeutic self-examination, but otherwise it only confirms us in our bad habits.

Let it be found that Christian bloggers are on the forefront of transparency.

1 Comment

  1. This is superb! I am going to read it again – have to rush out the door now. But this is definitely worth two reads. I love this kind of movie review from a Christian perspective, with an analogy to the Christian life. I really like submarine movies too!

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